Welcome to the website of the lo fi millenial

There isn't much point to this website, except for me to ramble about various topics that I find interesting. These pages are intentionally ugly as hell. I could do it better, but I think this is more fun.

About Me

I first started using the internet when I was in my early teens in the late 90's when I probably should have been doing other things. In those days we had dial up internet so I had to wait until late at night to get online and learn about the world outside of the trailer park in Texas where my family lived. That is probably why I am an insomniac now.

Looking back, the 90's may have been the peak of human civilization. At least in the United States. Social media hadn't ruined everything, we had a great economy, the internet was taking off, grunge was on the radio, the only people who really cared about politics were your drunk uncle, the TV shows were awesome (the Simpsons, X Files, Roseanne, Home Improvement, Family Matters, Saved by the Bell, Salute Your Shorts....), school pizza was better, etc.

Computer Stuff

Under construction

GUI Gallery - Check out screenshots of outdated computer operating systems.


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Interesting Links

Last Update: 7/15/2022